Apague el televisor, no su hijo
Cargando métricas ...
1 Savater, Fernando Diccionario filosófico, p 155 Planeta 1997
2 Id P 157
3 Id. p 158
4 AAP - Television and the Family, American Academy of Pediatrics 2001 en wwwaap.org
5 Comité de Pediatría Psicosocial de la Sociedad Canadiense de Pediatría, Publicado en Mayo 1999
6 Gottlieb, Scott. Spare the televIsion and improve the child British Medical Journal 2001;322:193 ( 27 January )
7 Olivares S, Albala C, Garcia F, Jofre I Television publicity and food preferences of school age children of the metropolitan region Rev Med Chil 1999 Jul;127(7)-791-9
8 Scientific American 'The Global Tobacco Epidemic' Mayo 1995 p 29: "Appealing to the young'
9 Clarin digital, Seccion Sociedad: "La TV influye cada vez más en los hábitos de consumo de los chicos." Viernes 8 de Junio de 2001
10 Healy. Jane M. Ph.D. Understanding TV's effects on the developing brain AAP News, the official news magazine of the American Academy of Pediatrics, May 1998
11 Clement, Sarah. Television gives a distorted picture of birth as well as death. BMJ 1998;317:284 ( 25 July )
12 Wheeler. Joe. Remote Controlled 'The child is father of the man' Review and Herald Publishing Ass. 1993. p 25-36
13 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Adolescence, Sexuality, contraception, and the media Pediatrics. 1986;78:535-536 en: www.aap.org/policy/00657.html
14 Chen, M. The Smart Parent's Guide lo Kids’TV p 52 KQED Books, San Francisco, 1994
15 Key. W.B. Seducción Subliminal. México, Ed. Diana, 1988: 39
16 Wheeler, J. Remote Controlled. How TV affects you and your family. Hagerstown. Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1993: 92
17 Citado en: Key, W.B. Seducción Subliminal. México, Ed Diana, 1988: 25
18 www.aap.org What parents can do about TV - Academia Americana de Pediatría. 2001
2 Id P 157
3 Id. p 158
4 AAP - Television and the Family, American Academy of Pediatrics 2001 en wwwaap.org
5 Comité de Pediatría Psicosocial de la Sociedad Canadiense de Pediatría, Publicado en Mayo 1999
6 Gottlieb, Scott. Spare the televIsion and improve the child British Medical Journal 2001;322:193 ( 27 January )
7 Olivares S, Albala C, Garcia F, Jofre I Television publicity and food preferences of school age children of the metropolitan region Rev Med Chil 1999 Jul;127(7)-791-9
8 Scientific American 'The Global Tobacco Epidemic' Mayo 1995 p 29: "Appealing to the young'
9 Clarin digital, Seccion Sociedad: "La TV influye cada vez más en los hábitos de consumo de los chicos." Viernes 8 de Junio de 2001
10 Healy. Jane M. Ph.D. Understanding TV's effects on the developing brain AAP News, the official news magazine of the American Academy of Pediatrics, May 1998
11 Clement, Sarah. Television gives a distorted picture of birth as well as death. BMJ 1998;317:284 ( 25 July )
12 Wheeler. Joe. Remote Controlled 'The child is father of the man' Review and Herald Publishing Ass. 1993. p 25-36
13 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Adolescence, Sexuality, contraception, and the media Pediatrics. 1986;78:535-536 en: www.aap.org/policy/00657.html
14 Chen, M. The Smart Parent's Guide lo Kids’TV p 52 KQED Books, San Francisco, 1994
15 Key. W.B. Seducción Subliminal. México, Ed. Diana, 1988: 39
16 Wheeler, J. Remote Controlled. How TV affects you and your family. Hagerstown. Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1993: 92
17 Citado en: Key, W.B. Seducción Subliminal. México, Ed Diana, 1988: 25
18 www.aap.org What parents can do about TV - Academia Americana de Pediatría. 2001
Cómo citar
Zawadzki Desia, N. (2018). Apague el televisor, no su hijo. Pediatría (Asunción), 29(1), 25-28. Recuperado a partir de https://revistaspp.org/index.php/pediatria/article/view/360
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